People / President and Managing Director of Operations /
President and Managing Director of Operations
Latest from Evan:
Taking a Stand: How Companies Should Choose Their Messages
Honesty and Purpose: The Future of Influence
Areas of Expertise:
Evan Kraus is an award-winning advisor who has served as a senior strategic counselor for many of the world’s largest businesses – helping optimize their Web presence, tell a better corporate story and “push” their messages out to target audiences. He also advises organizations on how to shape online issue debates, identify, attract and mobilize supporters and endorsers, conduct outreach to bloggers and other new media channels and analyze the online environment to form an over-arching strategy. He currently serves is president and managing director of operations at APCO.
Evan is an expert in the emerging fields of media convergence – the blending of online and offline content into a highly integrated, dynamic and fast-moving news flow – and is a leader in movement marketing. He founded APCO’s globally integrated Digital practice. In partnership with the Huffington Post and APCO’s in-house opinion research arm, APCO Insight, he pioneered a new proprietary approach to engaging social influencers called SocialEQ.
Evan has been recognized by PR News as Digital Communicator of the Year and is a contributor to the Huffington Post. He is frequently asked to speak and write on the latest trends in online communication to groups like the Conference Board, the Public Affairs Council, the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), the International Public Relations Association (IPRA), Bulldog Media, the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) and the PR Council where he serves as chair of the board.
Prior to joining APCO in 1996, Evan worked as a consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton. He holds his Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering from the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Virginia.