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2024 EU Elections: A Reality Check for the Green Deal?

October 11, 2023
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APCO Voices at COP28: Our Key Takeaways

December 19, 2023

Time for Accelerated Settlement: T+1 as Evolution of Global Financial Markets

We recently spoke to Andrew Douglas, chair of the UK Accelerated Settlement Taskforce and senior director on financial services at APCO, about the global T+1 initiative. Here is the summary of our chat. ...

April 25, 2024 / Luca Negro
japan election

Stable Yet Unpredictable: Upcoming Elections in Japan and Their Implications for Businesses

Although Japan—one of the largest economies in the world caught in the “lost decades”—is among many countries around the world with critical elections this year, the real and potential implications of the country’s upcoming elections have largely gone under the radar....

April 25, 2024 / Yuda Chou
lgbtq pair

Thinking Beyond Pride Month: What’s at Stake for Companies Who Do Not Consider LGBTQ+ Stakeholders

Last year, the U.S. media found themselves in a frenzy over what seemed to be an outpouring of backlash towards the LGBTQ+ community and corporate initiatives around Pride Month. Some in the corporate space are left wondering whether there was still room to support LGBTQ+ causes without risking major public scrutiny....

green check

A Brave New World? Insights From Working on CSRD

On 5 January 2023, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) entered into force. For the past 15 months, we’ve been working with clients, based in and outside the European Union, on identifying what CSRD means for them and preparing for implementation....

March 26, 2024 / Frank Krikhaar, Harry Sale
labor relations

A Resurgence of Labor Organizing and Influence

Labor organizing has experienced a resurgence in recent years, kickstarted by the pandemic. This resurgence has been so powerful that Americans support of unions has burgeoned to its highest point since 1965. In 2023, the labor movement was extremely active, but provided a mixed bag to workers, despite many headlines....

March 26, 2024 / Nick Berklan

Beyond Ramadan: Lessons from the Iftar Table on Muslim Community Engagement

With 1.9 billion Muslims worldwide, it is likely that a portion of your workforce observes Ramadan. This ninth month of the Islamic calendar is the yearly spiritual pinnacle for many Muslims, and in recent years, it has become a heightened opportunity for conscious brands and organizations to connect meaningfully with global audiences....

March 25, 2024 / Faiza Riaz

From Good Intentions to Great Retention

The sentiment that companies can and should be doing more to reach net zero targets is most pronounced among employees residing in Sub-Saharan Africa, closely followed by employees in Europe and the Americas. Although employees in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and Asia Pacific (APAC) regions have slightly more positive perceptions of their employer's progress towards net zero, just over half believe that their employer is taking sufficient action in this regard....

March 22, 2024 / Sabiha Ozgur, Delia Mayor

“Recalibrating” in the Era of Essentialism

As we settle into what will likely be a tumultuous 2024, we’re seeing pronounced shifts in the business environment. Corporate announcements from retailers and enterprise software companies to toy makers signal an era of cost cutting, including layoffs, as some businesses look to strengthen their market position. Others are refocusing their efforts on mission-critical opportunities....

March 21, 2024 / Pamela Passman, Julie Jack
female mentor

Fostering Inclusion Through Mentorship

One of the most powerful diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) tools for personal and systemic change is mentorship, particularly for women in the workplace. Mentors not only provide practical career advice but also serve as a support system, fostering connections, sharing experiences and amplifying voices in a way that empowers other women to navigate professional obstacles and systemic barriers....

esg europe

Navigating a New Era of Mandatory ESG Disclosure in Europe

For companies with significant business in Europe, regardless of where they are based, the era of mandatory environmental, social and governance disclosure has officially arrived. The impact of EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive will be massive both because of the scale of who it applies to as well as the depth of the disclosure requirements across a wide range of ESG issues....

March 20, 2024 / Sara Marcus