Managing the Coronavirus Crisis: Navigating Global Stimulus Plans
March 27, 2020
APCO alumna Anna Tunkel co-authored this piece.
In the face of the unprecedented world health crisis, we have witnessed remarkable global mobilization at international, national, and local levels to provide economic relief to businesses across all sectors. On a global level, action has been swift. The World Bank and the IFC approved a $14 billion package focused on fast-tracked financing to sustain economies and protect jobs; regional development institutions are following suit. The United States passed a $2 trillion relief package, the largest in its history, the European Central Bank announced €750 billion in relief focused on flexible asset purchases meant to sure up the Euro, while China is leading an effort valued at $183 billion to restart its economy emerging from the crisis.
There is also a proliferation of regional and local initiatives offering businesses resources to address the crisis that range in scope, scale and impact. These efforts will make trillions of dollars available for businesses, from industries like travel and tourism that have been extremely hard hit, to small and medium size enterprise already struggling to make payroll, to multi-nationals with supply chains and global operations at risk, and extending to many others suffering the impacts of this crisis who urgently need relief.
Seizing these opportunities will require businesses to move quickly and effectively. For potentially eligible companies, it is critical to understand all of the options available and to move as efficiently as possible to apply for and receive the funds which they are entitled to, and to position themselves for relief under future stimulus packages.
For those that need to understand the various types of stimulus funds that are and may become available, comprehensive intelligence gathering is crucial for success. Receiving detailed, real-time description and analysis of ongoing stimulus efforts in your priority markets around the world —including at the international, national, state and local levels—has a profound impact on deciding where to focus your companies’ short-, medium- and long-term efforts.
We are seeing leaders from large multinationals, technology start-ups, civil society and governments seeking advice on global engagement opportunities on COVID-19 and beyond. To successfully secure future stimulus funds, it is vital to connect the dots and build collaborative relationships and partnerships across networks to help identify opportunities.
APCO Worldwide has been working across the globe for more than 35 years, and has a team of experts and affiliates in over 60 markets, that are familiar with government programs and ready to help companies better understand and navigate the complexity of these programs. Please reach out to us to learn more about how we can help you, and visit apcoworldwide.com/coronavirus for more resources from APCO, including this one-pager on how APCO can help navigate the stimulus process.
Updated March 30, 2020.