We honor and remember a wonderful colleague and friend, Dr. Roger Hayes, who sadly passed away on March 21, 2020.
For more than 40 years, Roger was a renowned public relations, public affairs and communications professional, providing counsel to corporations, associations, governments and charitable organizations. He served as a senior counselor at APCO Worldwide for the last 13 years.
Roger became a trusted colleague and a dear friend to many at APCO, working with us from our London and Singapore offices, and also serving as managing director of our operations in India for a time. We will all miss him dearly. Roger was a charming, thoughtful and engaging colleague and a generous mentor to so many people. On a personal level, we relied on his insights and counsel and are forever grateful for his willingness to always be on hand to assist with business challenges and to help navigate the complexities of professional life.
Roger adored our profession, and he represented the very best of the PR industry.
We send our deepest condolences to his family during this difficult time and encourage you to share your thoughts and memories of Roger in the comments below.