Executive director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, Change, and Third Sector at Triskati University Indonesia
Dr. Maria R. Nindita Radyati, IAC member at APCO, has been teaching at the Economic Faculty of the University of Trisakti for more than 25 years. There, she founded the MM-CSR, a Master’s degree program with a specialization in corporate responsibility; currently the only master’s level program with a sustainability specialization in Indonesia.
Dr. Radyati is the founding director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship, Change, and Third Sector (CECT-USAKTI), a research centre under the postgraduate program at Trisakti University, and has been appointed Head of Education in the Indonesian CSR Consortium and Head of Education of the Association of Risk Management Practitioners (ARMP).
Dr. Radyati has more than 20 years of experience conducting international research and has served as an expert and speaker at numerous trainings, seminars and workshops nationally and internationally. Her areas of expertise include corporate social responsibility, sustainability strategic design, sustainability reporting, social entrepreneurship, curriculum creation and development, third sector organization (TSO), social innovation and organizational learning, and governance.
Since 2013, she serves as a researcher at the Board of Director at “International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR)” at John Hopkins University, Maryland. She is also currently an Advisor to the Indonesian Ministry of State Owned Enterprises Office on CSR and has served as Deputy Chairwoman of the CSR Committee at the Indonesia Chamber of Commerce since 2013. Dr. Radyati was formerly the Chair of the Expert Team to the Indonesian House of Representative on Drafting the Indonesia CSR Law in 2013 and 2016.
Dr. Radyati has served on the Board of Directors and/or Advisors of many corporations, associations and NGOs, including the Australian Mining, Infrastructure and Energy Chamber Indonesia (Ausmincham), Women in Mining Indonesia (WIME), Women in Global Business Indonesia (WIGBI), the Society of Efficiency Energy for Conservation Indonesia (MASKEEI), the British Council Indonesia and the Indonesia Global Compact Network.
Dr. Radyati holds a Doctoral degree in management from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia, a Master’s degree in economics from the University of Indonesia, and a Bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Trisakti, Indonesia.