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With more than a decade’s experience in both journalism and political communications, Kate Forrester offers strategic insight on both the media and political landscape in the UK. She is a director in APCO’s London office.

Like it or not, politics plays a role in almost every aspect of our lives. Understanding the landscape you’re operating in allows you to make better decisions and I love equipping our clients with the knowledge they need to do just that.

Prior to joining APCO, Kate served as a political adviser to the Shadow Cabinet and was a journalist in the Parliamentary Press Gallery.

She has worked on general and local election campaigns, Labour leadership contests and the EU referendum campaign and spent time in the United States volunteering on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential run.

Kate started out as a reporter for the local newspaper in her hometown, later working for bigger, regional titles including the Liverpool Daily Post and ECHO, before moving to London to work in Westminster.