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Giulia Daria
Di Ronza

Project Consultant

Giulia Daria di Ronza is a project consultant at APCO and is based in Rome. She specializes in public affairs, stakeholders’ engagement, international politics and advocacy projects. She is part of the firm’s Geo-Commerce team. At APCO, Daria supports clients across heterogeneous sectors and with diverse interests, including tourism, energy, sustainability and scientific research.

Before joining APCO, Daria worked at the Italian Embassy in Ukraine where she supported the Embassy on dossiers of strategic interest and, before that, at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean where she assisted organization of events and networking with member countries’ MPs.

Daria graduated in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs at the University of Bologna enriched by a period abroad at the Higher School of Economics of Moscow. She then obtained an Executive Master in corporate communication, lobbying and public affairs.

Besides Italian, she is fluent in English and has a good knowledge of French and basic in Russian.