Principal, Hummingbird Hill Advisors LLC; Former CEO, Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems
Andy Davidson, member of APCO’s Worldwide’s International Advisory Council, is the founder of Hummingbird Hill Advisors. As a strategic business advisor to not-for-profit organizations and for-profit companies, Mr. Davidson specializes in business strategy consulting, public affairs, and good governance practices. He is driven by a passion to help his clients identify or clarify their strategic objectives, to ensure that their executive teams and governing boards are aligned around those strategies and to build public affairs strategies that support the success of the organization.
Prior to founding Hummingbird Hill, Mr. Davidson served as the President and CEO of the Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems (OAHHS) from 2005 to 2019. OAHHS is a member driven trade association that provides healthcare policy and advocacy leadership for all of Oregon’s 62 acute care hospitals and health systems. As the voice for Oregon’s hospitals, Mr. Davidson lead numerous healthcare policy initiatives and programs, with a focus on patient safety, quality, and the shift in payment from volume to value. In this role, he also oversaw the Association’s state and federal lobby teams, crisis and strategic communications and overall public affairs strategies.
Prior to joining OAHHS, Mr. Davidson was a director of the software products division for a publicly traded health care information technology consulting company. He served as the Vice President of Government and Public Affairs for the Washington State Hospital Association and served on the Capitol Hill staff of U.S. House of Representatives Majority Leader, Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland.
Mr. Davidson has a long history of board service to community and industry organizations. Of note, he was a founding board member of the Oregon Health Leadership Council, a statewide collaborative comprised of Oregon’s health systems, health plans and several large physician groups which is focused on taking unnecessary costs out of the healthcare system and improving the efficiency of the care delivered. He was also a founding board member of the Oregon Health Network, a collaborative healthcare technology effort funded through a $20 million award from the Federal Communications Commission, which created a dedicated broad-band network connecting all of Oregon’s hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, public health departments and community colleges. Mr. Davidson served on the board of the Health Forum, the for-profit subsidiary of the American Hospital Association. He is currently serving in his ninth year on the board of Central City Concern, a $120 million not-for-profit which provides supportive housing, healthcare services and job training for low income adults and families in the Portland Metro region.
Mr. Davidson holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from the University of New Hampshire. He was a participant in the first Executive Leadership Symposium on Health Care Policy and Reform at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.