The “Return-to-Workplace” Policies That Will Bring Moms Back
July 30, 2021
Women were treading water before the pandemic. Now as more companies return to the workplace, employers must examine how we support women in the workplace, especially mothers, and make bold changes so they don’t sink under the heavy responsibilities of work and caregiving. It’s time to help them swim—providing them the long overdue support they need to thrive.
One-third of working women have children and since COVID-19 first showed up in the US, over two million women have left—or have been forced to leave—their jobs, spiraling female workforce participation down to its lowest point in 30 years. Another one in four women are contemplating downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce entirely.
It’s clear that the pandemic didn’t undermine a functioning system. Rather, it exposed what women have known for decades: work doesn’t work for moms, and work-life balance is an illusion. Too many employers continue to fail to provide the basic policies and practices moms need to thrive—at work and at home.
As we emerge from this pandemic, we cannot afford to maintain a broken status quo. In partnership with the Marshall Plan for Moms, APCO Impact launched a playbook titled “Making Workplaces Work for Moms: Building a Mom-Friendly Workplace for the Post-Pandemic Future” to identify the solutions that will not only help keep women in the workforce, but help bring them back. These are not revolutionary solutions — however, implementing them will have a revolutionary impact on the future of our workforce. Below are ten imperatives for employers — these cannot be implemented piecemeal. Real change comes from addressing these solutions as a comprehensive suite of changes that are foundational to creating a healthy workforce for caregivers.
These are not new, radical ideas. Yet many employers in the United States continue to fail to provide even the most basic support system. And where these policies and practices do exist, corporate cultures often inhibit women from actually using them, or outright penalize them when they do. For example, while 71% of moms we surveyed described being a working mom during the pandemic as “very challenging,” few feel they can take time off to prioritize their mental health and well-being. These dangerous trends underscore why moms are leaving the workforce in droves.
Numerous countries already have these practices in place—in New Zealand, all employees have the statutory right to request a variation to their hours of work, days of work or place of work. A request can be made at any time, for any purpose or reason and there are no limits on how many requests can be made in any period. American public policy most certainly needs to catch up to the rest of the industrialized world, but in parallel, companies must enact internal policies and practices that benefit mothers—while flexing their influence to push for long overdue policy changes as well.
For years, women have called for a common set of solutions that would help alleviate the strain of juggling their numerous priorities. Now is the time to heed that call before we risk losing a huge swath of our talent and a deeper, lasting mental health strain on the bedrocks of our society.
The bottom line is this: making the workplace better for moms makes it better for all workers.
APCO alumnus Denielle Sachs co-authored this piece