The German elections are approaching on September 24. While we expect Chancellor Angela Merkel to remain in office, we are experiencing a very exciting time nonetheless: Who will be Merkel’s junior partner(s) in the future governing coalition? What will be the main policy areas? Who will be members of the new Cabinet? All of these questions will be answered eventually, and APCO is monitoring and assessing the potential consequences the elections might have on the world and our clients’ business activities very closely.
Given the differences in the electoral systems across Europe and around the world, we are delighted to share with you the below presentation (downloadable here), which explains the electoral system in Germany. It moreover sheds light on the party programs, on potential outcomes, and the expectations APCO’s global and European offices have towards the new German government.
Jump below the report to watch a short video with an excellent overview by our Maximilan Knoth. We look forward to your questions and comments.