electric highway

CommsLife: The Future of Travel

February 28, 2022

Since the pandemic began, we have seen transformational change across every industry—and the effects of these changes have touched all of us in one way or another. Within the Washington region, travel and hospitality industries had to very quickly reimagine their business models that previously were grounded in social interaction. And yet, despite the challenges that came with COVID-19, we saw near immediate innovation.

As leaders, it is our responsibility to set an example and continue driving this change as we navigate our ever changing society. In this episode of CommsLife, we take a look at what this means for the future of business travel. And more specifically, we examine the impact of these changes on the communications industry.

Hear more in this episode of CommsLife with APCO Alumna Stephanie Waties and Licy Do Canto, managing director of APCO’s headquarters in Washington.


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